重慶綠城園林設計公司 世界格局在快速變化,生態環境和氣候日益惡化,風景園林設計更需要多元發展與溝通合作。為此,意格設計公司將召開新聞發布答謝會,和業界人士一起探討如何"以道御術"、"道法自然"。
15:30-16:20 媒體見面會
16:20-16:30 茶歇
16:30-18:00 演講時間
演講人 |
演講題目 |
Thomas Paine |
副總裁、主創設計師 |
綠空間-智能的城市設計主義 |
Benny Djohan |
副總裁、主創設計師 |
進化室外設計的潮流演變 |
Charles Cobble |
副總裁、主創設計師 |
旅游觀光項目新范例 |
Lewis Stackpole |
副總裁、主創設計師 |
意格在中國城市化進程中的角色 |
Molly Huang |
副總裁、主創設計師 |
新的永續生活觀 |
Keith S. Robbins |
副總裁、主創設計師 |
1993-2010穩定變遷中的北京 |
18:00-18:15 茶歇時間
18:15-18:30 晚宴開場表演
18:30-19:30 馬曉暐致辭
19:30-20:30 晚宴及節目表演
AGER - Positioned for a changing world
-----AGER 2010 Client Party
Theme: AGER - Positioned for a changing world
When: 12 March, 2010 15:30 to 20:30 Shanghai
19 March, 2010 15:30 to 20:30 Beijing
Where: Okura Garden Hotel (Shanghai)
Swissotel Beijing
We are experiencing a period of the most rapid global change in history. Climate change, drastic swings in world economics and other challenges face us. To deal with these complex challenges we need to address them on a global basis in new and innovative ways. The Asia Region is rapidly becoming a center of innovation and enterprise that is taking an increasingly large role in world events adding diversity how we think about solutions to problems.
Our leadership has recognized this for many years and has worked quietly and diligently to assemble a team of highly skilled and talented designers from around the world to offer diverse alternatives for complex issues. We invite you, our friends and clients to join us in this journey to make a difference in the quality of life for all on our planet by taking a different approach to world challenges. In the spirit of the season we wish you all a warm spring and look forward to seeing you at the party.
Chinese Round Table Banquet and Speakers Program
15:30-16:20 - Medias meeting
16:20-16:30 - Rest time
16:30-18:00 - Speakers Program
Speaker Topic
Thomas Paine Vice President Enriching Cities with Intelligent Open Space Design
Benny Djohan Vice President Designing the Nest Outside the Nest
Charles Cobble Vice President Contextual Tourism - The New Paradigm
Lewis Stackpole Vice President AGER's Role in China's Urban Growth: 14,000,000 People a Year for 20 Years
Molly Huang Vice President Let's LOHAS!
Keith S. Robbins Vice President 1993-2010: Transformation, change and stability Beijing
18:00-18:15 -Rest time
18:00-18:30 -Party Begins
18:30-19:30 - President's Keynote Speech
19:30-20:30 - Program and Banquet Time